Dumska Square (City Council) / Odessa / Ukraine / 15.11.2019
We hear the music, the clock striking the hour and the sound of skateboards rolling on the pavement. Dumska Square. The favourite place of skateboarders in Odessa. Next to the City Council Building on Primorsky Boulevard. In the evenings, a transformation takes place. In the evenings, the building changes colour. Yellow, green, blue, orange, red, purple, yellow, green, blue, orange, red, purple and so on over and over again. People enter and leave the building. They change like the colours. At night, everything changes. All the decorations of the night die in the light of day. The colours change.
North Sea / Norway / 28.06.2011
The colour of the sea is changing, the colour of the sky is also changing. What’s at the top affects what’s at the bottom, or the other way round. Clouds turned the Norwegian Sea into a black sea. A moment ago there was sunshine and beautiful weather and nothing gave a hint of such drastic changes. The winds of change arrived. First a breeze, after a while a stronger gale. The sky filled up with clouds. The howling began and the waves got larger, stronger. The sea changed colour and so too, the rhythm of the waves. A strange rhythm, as if several conductors were conducting an orchestra, each in a different tempo, to a different tune. A black cloud covered the sky like a black veil. Fear and hope are a travelling duo. But was it the clouds that changed the sea, or the other way round? The black veil slid back, but the fear remained constant. Hope and colours.
Sławcia, holding the photo between skateboarders, on the way to The Potemkin Stairs
Each photograph used during the journey stops being luggage, changes its destiny, takes on a new life. It creates a unique travel sack with a story in the background. Always just one. One shot, one sack. Luggage (no excess)