Venice / Italy / 08.07.2019
34 degrees Celsius. Hot. We’re on the way back from the Venice International Art Exhibition. We’re walking through the narrow streets with our suitcases under the harsh sun. Everywhere, stone, water and sunshine. We pass the canals and enter a maze of narrow streets. A moment of respite. Thanks to the narrow passages, the sun is kept at bay, there is shade. Only along the canals does it get wider. Crossing the bridge, there is the hope of space. Just one more perspective shot on the bridge with the reflection in the water and off we go. We’re going back home. Fortunately, there aren’t many people. A few people pass by and disappear quickly. I assemble the frame, stretch the picture. First, to the north. Nothing. To the south. Also nothing. This is not the place. We take our luggage, the frame with the picture and move on. 10 meters away, a wider street is just around the corner. Blinding light and emptiness. The space is closed in from five sides. We position ourselves for the photo, blocking the passageway. I can see how a crowd begins to gather behind the picture. People are waiting. I am waiting too. There’re more and more people. I’m waiting. We’re blocking the passageway. I’m waiting. In the end, an invisible barrier breaks and, surreptitiously, the crowd begins to move in from two sides, going around us at wide angles. People emerge into the sun and disappear into the shadows. Like actors on a stage. The sun is blinding.
Bormio / Italy / 21.11.2012
The snow is blinding. The sun’s rays are reflected in the snow, intensifying the impression of luminosity and heat. All around, open space. I’m taking it all in. Snow, mountains and sky. It’s empty and quiet. It’s freezing, minus seven degrees Celsius. Cold but pleasant. There is no wind and the sun heats up our faces. The traces in the snow were left by our group. We were prepared for crowds of tourists – skiers. But no. Just us, the mountains, the snow, the sun and the freezing temperatures. Hard to believe. We have snow, sun and no people. There’s a glacier. No people.
Our guide to Venice and the Art Exhibition, Przemysław Jędrowski, holding the photo.
Each photograph used during the journey stops being luggage, changes its destiny, takes on a new life. It creates a unique travel sack with a story in the background. Always just one. One shot, one sack. Luggage (no excess)
