Skaryszewski Park / Warsaw / Poland / 10.07.2019
A green oasis in the city center. This is my first time in Skaryszewski Park. Old trees, a meadow, a pond, wild groves among the hustle and bustle of streets and skyscrapers. We were invited here by Anna P., an activist for sustainable development, an advocate for a new awareness. We came to interview her and for a photo shoot, for TUU magazine. Someone has to say it out loud, in order to buy less, to use less, to think five times about this urge for development and growth of everything. And she says it.
Salt Lake / Tunisia /29.03.2011
Night. We’re driving on a road that is as straight as an arrow. It’s getting bright although the sun is not yet visible. Empty and flat as far as the horizon. The asphalt road cuts the space into two equal parts. Black asphalt in the middle of white fields. As far as the eye can see. The blue of the night turns into orange and yellow of the sunrise. End of night. Sunrise is the beginning of life. Or maybe its end. In a moment it will be unbearably hot. Each drop of water will evaporate. Nothing will be left. Nothing but salt. Salt preserves. To the right and to the left of the road there are lakes, but we won’t be swimming. The water has evaporated, only salt is left. I’m thirsty.
A positively crazy woman, thanks to whom we got to know Skaryszewski Park in Warsaw and life without shopping, Ania Pięta, holding the frame.
Each photograph used during the journey stops being luggage, changes its destiny, takes on a new life. It creates a unique travel sack with a story in the background. Always just one. One shot, one sack. Luggage (no excess)
